Monday, September 12, 2011

Consent Based SSN Verification Search - CBSV

Background Investigations should be conducted utilizing a mythodical process involving several steps. Among those steps are developing a policy surrounding proper background investigation levels based upon the position(s) being filled. In addition, said levels should be relative to the specific job duties/functions.
A new search was recently launched, termed a Consent Based SSN Verification (CBSV) Search. This new search, offered which offers employers the ability to help fight the Identity Theft/Fraud spectrum of a Background Investigation.
The CBSV verifies whether a name and Social Security Number (SSN) combination match the data in SSA’s records. The submitted information is matched against SSA’s Master File of Social Security Numbers (SSNs). The matching elements include: Social Security Number, name, date of birth and a gender code if available. Each SSN and name combination submitted to CBSV will be returned with a “yes” or “no” verification code indicating that the submission either matches or does not match our records. If applicable, we will report a death indicator when our records reflect that the SSN holder is deceased. Please note that the results obtained from CBSV do not confirm or authenticate "proof of identity”.
This search will help limit the number of false positives which occur when an incorrect SSN is provided tied to a candidate for employment. This search should not be mistaken for a SSN/Address History Search which verifies a person's address history and provides a list of name(s) associated with the subject along with potential addresses utilized. This is critical in not only establishing the correct identity of a subject/applicant, but also in determining the area(s) in which to perform the background investigations.
For more information concerning identity verification searches, SSN/Address History, or other Background Investigations, visit our website at